
ADA Complaint Policy & Reasonable Modification Statement

ADA Complaint Policy

PAFACOM, Inc. is committed to fully complying with all elements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The entire ADA legislation appears in the PAFACOM. Inc.
Accessibility Plan which is available at all agency locations. This plan also highlights how PAFACOM ensures that: (1) no individual is excluded from participation in any of its services based on his or her disability; and (2) barriers to access are identified, assessed, and remediated regularly-and documentation of such is kept in the Accessibility Plan.

PAFACOM’s Chief Executive Officer assigns a member of management to work with the agency’s Continuous Quality Enhancement Coordinator to investigate all complaints related to discrimination with regard to the ADA, abuse/neglect, and human rights
violations. Additionally, the Chief Executive Officer responds to all requests for information about PAFACOM’s civil rights obligations and operations.

PAFACOM’s complaint and appeals process appears in the following agency documents, and is reviewed annually with all service recipients:

• PAFACOM Consumer Handbook (available in multiple formats);
• PAFACOM Residential Policy Manual; and
• PAFACOM Day Programs Policy Manual.

ADA Complaints
If you wish to file an ADA complaint of discrimination with PAFACOM, please contact the agency at 856.696.1661, or email at [email protected]. Complainants may also contact the agency by mail at:

1301 W. Forest Grove Road – Bldg 3C – Vineland, NJ 08360.
You may choose to file a Title VI complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by contacting the Administration at:
Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights
Attn: Complaint Team East Building, 5th Floor – TCR 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

What Happens to my ADA Complaint of Discrimination to PAFACOM?
All complaints of discrimination received by PAFACOM are routed to the CEO, who assigns a member of management to work with the CQE Coordinator to complete a full and prompt investigation. All complaints received are investigated, and PAFACOM provides any needed assistance in communication/language necessary or requested by the complainant.

PAFACOM prefers to complete all complaint investigations within (48) hours. In ADA complaints of discrimination, more time is warranted, but shall not exceed (30) days. Failure of the complainant to provide accurate or current contact information may result in delay of resolution, or in closure of the complaint. PAFACOM has a zero tolerance policy on discrimination-of any kind-and takes immediate and appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary measures in all instances where a violation of PAFACOM’s non-discrimination policies have been determined.

Once a complaint investigation is completed, complainants will receive a summary of findings via their preferred method of communication. If no method of contact or communication is provided, PAFACOM shall maintain the summary of findings for (36) months. Complainants may contact the PAFACOM CEO at any time to check on the status of their complaint.

Additional Questions about PAFACOM ADA Obligations

For additional information on PAFACOM’s non-discrimination policies and requirements related to the ADA, please call: 856.696.1661 or write to:

1301 W. Forest Grove Road Building 3C
Vineland, NJ 08360

Reasonable Modification Statement

PAFACOM, Inc. recognizes that disabilities are as diverse as the individuals whom they serve, and, as such, recognizes the need to make reasonable modifications to its policies, regarding assistance offered to any and all persons served-in program, in transport, or at the home-who may require additional assistance.

Under Title II of the ADA, state and local governments are required to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures, where necessary to avoid discrimination. For more information on PAFACOM’s reasonable modifications practices, please see the PAFACOM. Inc. Accessibility Plan or the PAFACOM. Inc. Consumer Handbook.

For those program participants who require additional assistance during transport, PAFACOM, Inc. will endeavor accommodate all reasonable modification requests for such assistance by following procedures highlighted below:

• Individuals must inform PAFACOM, Inc. of the need and specific type of assistance needed, which must be agreed upon by his or her interdisciplinary team, and must appear in the Individual Service Plan.
• Drivers/staff are made aware of and trained on these needs prior to transporting the individual.

Individuals who are not satisfied with the level of modification, or do not feel as though PAFACOM extended a reasonable modification after one was requested, may appeal the decision by following established ADA and PAFACOM complaint and grievance procedures. A complainant may also file a complaint with the US Department of Transportation by contacting the Department at:

US Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights:
Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights
Attn: Complaint Team East Building, 5th Floor – TCR 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

File a Complaint